Emitter: Distributed Publish-Subscribe Platform

Emitter is a distributed, scalable and fault-tolerant publish-subscribe platform built with MQTT protocol and featuring message storage, security, monitoring and more:

  • Publish/Subscribe using MQTT over TCP or Websockets.
  • Resilient, highly available and partition tolerant (AP in CAP terms).
  • Able to handle 3+ million of messages/sec on a single broker.
  • Supports message storage with history and message-level expiry.
  • Provides secure channel keys with permissions and can face the internet.
  • Automatic TLS/SSL and encrypted inter-broker communication.
  • Built-in monitoring with Prometheus, StatsD and more.
  • Shared subscriptions, links and private links for channels.
  • Easy deployment with Docker and Kubernetes of production-ready clusters.

Emitter can be used for online gaming and mobile apps by satisfying the requirements for low latency, binary messaging and high throughput. It can also be used for the real-time web application such as dashboards or visual analytics or chat systems. Moreover, Emitter is perfect for the internet of things and allows sensors to be controlled and data gathered and analyzed.
