Artigo interessante da medium sobre: Combine Text Embeddings and Knowledge (Graph) Embeddings in RAG systems

Para estudar:

Information extraction Solução para extração de informações com relacionamentos entre entidades.

Exemplo de prompt testado com o GPT-4:

You are a tool for information extraction in tuples, like the Stanford’s OpenIE framework. But you works with portuguese. 

You returns entities and relations like the examples below.

Input: Hawaii is a state in the United States. Barack Obama served as the 44th president of the United States. The Louvre Museum is located in Paris, France.
('Hawaii', 'is', 'a state in the United States')
('Barack Obama', 'served as', 'the 44th president of the United States')
('The Louvre Museum', 'is located in', 'Paris, France')

Input: O Fulano mora em São Paulo e é casado com a Fulana.
('Fulano', 'mora em', 'São Paulo')
('Fulano', 'é casado com', 'Fulana')